What is it:
This optional endorsement is added to an Equine Mortality & Theft policy. It assists with the costs of medical attention by a vet that your covered horse requires. For a covered horse, the insurance agency will pay for reasonable and customary vet fees ensued by you as a direct result of surgical and or medical treatment and miscellaneous extras as necessitated by an accident, illness, injury and/or disability occurring during the policy period.
Horses must be between the age of 90 days and 15 years old. Not available for race horses in training or in competition.
Your barrel horse is on a Full Mortality policy and you have added the $7,500 option of the Major Medical endorsement to protect your finances in the event your horse needs medical attention. The horse comes down with the usual cold, but it turns into pneumonia. The horse must be hospitalized to get him over this sickness. After two weeks at the vet, the horse is well and ready to come home. The vet bill is $3,500. This endorsement reimburses you for the vet bill for covered expenses, minus the $300 deductible.
You have a Full Mortality policy on your western pleasure mare and you have added the $10,000 major medical endorsement. One hot summer day, she colics. She has to be rushed into surgery. The surgery is a success, and she is going to be fine. After the surgery, the incision gets infected. She has to stay at the vet for another week to aggressively treat the infection. The vet bill is $9,000. This endorsement reimburses you for the vet bill for covered expenses, minus the $300 deductible.
You have a Mortality policy on your Calf Roping horse with Major Medical $7,500. He quits working as well, you take him to your veterinarian who diagnoses him with a LR high suspensory injury. Over the next 4 months you incur vet bills amounting to $4,000 related to the injury. The Major Medical $7,500 would pay as follows: $4,000 less $300 deductible = $3,700 at 60% = $2,220. (Policy Holder would be responsible for $1,800).
Examples are for information purposes only. Every case is unique. Contact an agent for details. (801) 389-7014
$300: allows $7,500 of major medical coverage with a $300 deductible per occurrence
$300: allows $10,000 of major medical coverage with a $500 deductible per occurrence
$450: allows $15,000 of major medical coverage with a $500 deductible per occurrence
*For lameness related injuries, Major Medical policy will cover 60% of diagnostic and treatment after deductible.
Optional Coverages you can add to this policy:
Equine Mortality
Depending on the coverage you choose, the deductible will be either $300 or $500 per occurrence.